Winter Storm 2014

Good Friday Morning! My house is a mess, I’ve played outside with my son Levi for three days! And I pray he looks back on these days and sees a mother who took time to play.  There will be years for cleaning and cooking but children grow up when you’re not looking. 

You would of thought our Lucedale City Park was the Breckenridge Ski Resort.  We had clothes baskets, boogie boards, cardboard, anything we could find to slide down that icy slope! 

You don’t have to be the perfect parent and have it all together, kids are happy if you just go outside and watch them be superstars!

and there are places in the heart you don’t 

even know exist until you love a child….  Love & Happiness to you! ©Sonja Foshee


Love and Happiness to you! ImageImageImageImageImage



Time is so Precious

What is time management?

Time management is not really about how you manage time and its not really about tools and techniques. It’s about how you manage yourself.

Through the Years As a successful business owner and teacher of business I feel I have the right to give advice to my students and to you aspiring artist, (photographers).

I always have said, For every day you spend, for every minute you spend, photographing clients. This is  time away from YOUR FAMILY that you will never get back. How much is it worth to you? Something to ponder on today and everyday. 

Don’t be afraid to charge your family, friends, co-workers. When they go to “their” jobs they expect to get paid! Its ok to give discounts, trade outs etc. However You should NOT feel guilty for charging for your talents and time. 

Benjamin Franklin said it best- “Lost time is never found again.” 

Love and Happiness to you all! 

photo of Levi and his cat Mainsteet- 2008 archives


The Harbor

Well the Holiday is over and Its back to work~ excited for all my 2014 Brides! I look forward to serving you. No amount of creativity and flexibility assures success until you bring in appreciative clients. I’ve been blessed to have returning clients since 1999.

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Love & Happiness 🙂

This is probably one of my favorite photos I shot during an Engagement Session.